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Nice Try, Sport!

So I'm perusing some old Archie comics just, y'know, for ideas. And to figure out whether or not Veronica has gotten even hotter over the years. 'Cause these things bother me. (Note to self: She has) And simply going by those old Betty and Veronica covers, man those two chicks were all about the boy crazy back in the day. Every joke centers on it. Specifically, on that goofy red-headed boy with seemingly no other redeeming qualities other than to be the prize for some weird never-actually-goes-anywhere competition. I mean, yes - it's Archie Comics, this scenario is one of the all time classics, everyone gets it.. I get it. Old hat and all.

Heck, I'm a red-head with seemingly no other redeeming qualities myself! The whole thing just seems weird to me. And a little manipulative. Maybe I'm imprinting. A bit. Or a lot. (V? Call me!)

Still... it's gotta be frustrating to have two uber hotties only willing to pine after you (and nothing else) despite giving them your best efforts for decades...

I'm pretty sure that one speaks to every male reading this.

I should make that one into a T-Shirt.

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