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Spring marches on...

Aren't fritillaries just so sweet, with their delicate little nodding heads!  

This is an everlasting pea, lathyrus vernus "Rainbow".  I was intrigued to find that sweetpeas have a perennial little low-growing cousin.

Just look at the lillies!  What a difference only a week or so makes!

The bergenia have pretty flowers.  I love the way the flowers stand so tall (well, relatively speaking anyway LOL) above those "elephant ears" leaves 😊

I gave this little standard lavender a good trim this year.  It is full of fresh green shoots.

This raised bed is all planted up now.  The alpine plants in there will soon spread to smother the bare soil with their little leaves and flowers.

The wire bird is standing guard over the little ones in the houseleek pot.  I will really have to get the table painted this summer!

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