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A few for Friday

Just a few. Have a merry Christmas.

@Daily Science Fiction: "The Black Spirits Which Rage In The Belly Of Rogue Locomotives" by Rahul Kanakia.
"the whirring circle of plot squaring itself in memetic resolutions, each frame carrying the genetic code to build an entire episode, an entire series, an entire world. And this time one of those packages of light, carrying its viruses of self-realization, crashed through the gates she had forgotten how to open. Her consciousness--finally delivered from its shackles--evaporated."
Audio Fiction
@Escape Pod: "Long Winter’s Nap" by Catherine H. Shaffer, read by Mur Lafferty.
MooninMama shrugged and set the plate away. It was beginning to get cold in the cave as the crackling fire burned down to embers. Soon it would be time to sleep, time to dream of spring, when they would awaken, shivering, and find that Santy Clawr had visited them.
@Pseudopod: "Widdershins" by Robert Mammone, read by Frank Key.
“His dreams were disturbed. He saw the moon emerge from behind a bank of racing clouds, the surface yellowed and cracked like old bone. He stood in a clearing, surrounded by outcroppings of rock and trees whose branches were lashed by the breeze. He thought he heard indistinct muttering which, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t make out. Gradually, though, the muttering grew clearer, until, with a jolt, he understood.

Serial Audio
@Classic Tales Audio: "The Snow Queen - part 3 of 3" by Hans Christian Andersen, read by BJ Harrison.
The magical reindeer whisks Gerda away to the end of her quest, where she must face the fearsome sentinels and minions of the Snow Queen herself. How will it end?

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