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Movin' On Up.....

A little horn-tooting if you don't mind (after all, who else is going to do it?).

Last month around this time I (giddily) announced that I debuted on the LAMB (Large Association of Movie Blogs) Leaderboard at #5 (the highest debut of the month btw).  The Leaderboard (in case you have been caught unawares) shows the twenty most visited sites/blogs in the LAMB repertoire. So anyway, after my startling Top 5 (with a bullet) debut last month (well, I was startled at least - I honestly did not think that many people were even paying attention) I find myself moving even further up the charts.  September rankings place me in the #4 spot.

I know this may seem quite frivolous and downright self-congratulatory (but then online film writing has always been a rather masturbatory Sisyphean labour indeed) but it is also a great and powerful (ego boost) way of letting a brother know he is actually writing, not just for his own self-flagellation, but for others as well.  Others who actually take notice.  Hmmmmmm.....   

I would also like to congratulate Mark over at Where Danger Lives for taking the top spot this month.  I suppose I should (he said with tongue firmly in cheek) throw the proverbial gauntlet down, but perhaps that is getting a bit too big for my britches (as they say).  We should all just get along after all.

I'll leave you with an appropriately October-specific LAMB banner in hopes of movin' on up even further come the end of this horror-filled month.

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