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Progress on Wraith of Talera, and Other Things

Sunday night I wrote the ending line to Wraith of Talera. Felt good. The book is certainly not done. This is a completed draft but it will need at least one more complete going over from start to finish. After that will come the final editing checks. I'll check to make sure all Taleran terms are used consistently throughout. I'll search for certain words that tend to get overused and make sure I fix any problems up. That actually takes quite a while. Then I will set up the word processing file for the sequel, Gods of Talera, and will write the first scene, which is already in my head. I'll probably let Wraith sit for about a week, though, and work on other things before I start the revision.

I took yesterday off, visited with my niece and her family in the French Quarter. They are traveling through the area on a trip. Then I watched the movie Serenity, the move that closes off the Firefly TV series. Finally, I restarted my game of Rage since I beat it over the weekend and now I'm replaying to see if I can find stuff I missed the first time.

As for Serenity, I liked it very much. Both Lana and I teared up a bit at one particular place, and it's because we have developed genuine affection for these characters. Firefly was really well done and I'm sorry it lasted only one season. The movie was good but it didn't really tie everything up. I liked it somewhat better than Lana did. 

I'm still using google reader, by the way, although I have downloaded feedly. Google reader will disappear July 1 so I may have an adjustment period and miss some stuff for a few days. I suppose we'll see.

In sad news, I learned that Richard Matheson died yesterday. He was a writer I much enjoyed, especially his short stories, and he wrote some of the great Twilight Zone tales. It was sad to hear of his death.

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