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Last week the beer fairy spent time over our son and daughter in law place,  he is off to Queensland today to start a new job (this job was too good to pass up ) only trouble was he was in the middle of doing up his house in Sydney. The house is over 100 years old and needed lots of repais, they have been doing it slowly,  almost all the walls have been replaced inside because they were all wooden boards and over the years had developed gaps which let in the cold and heat. This is the spare bedroom that they only just finished.

They have moved all the dinning room furniture in here to do up that room,  I like the chinese chair in the middle of the picture.

This is the dinning room as you see all walls are gone and are in the process of being replaced, the beer fairy is adding his personal touch.

This is the bedroom walls,  interesting colours not sure at first but I do like them very much now.

This shot is a bit dark but you get the idea.

They have a walk in wardrobe.

This is the hallway nothing done here but cutting a manhole in the roof to get to the roof,  but you can see what the walls were like.

This is going to be the lounge room at the moment its used for storing all sorts of bits,  supplies and tools.

The kitchen was the first room they did.

This is their office or study.

It's walls are lined with storage cupboards but I would never have glass doors to hard to keep tidy.

This was an open porch but they closed it in often have breakfast and meals here always full of sunshine it's a lovely spot in winter. Odd things are found when you are doing up a house, they found a huge birds nest about 2feet across and 4 dead birds in the roof but the hole where they were getting in has been fixed so that will not happen again.  

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