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Thursday YA News

Check out what’s happening in YA this week:

YA Bookish Stuff

Harlan Coben is writing a YA! It’ll be out in 2011! Can you tell I’m excited? Read all about it here.

Nancy Drew turns 80 (well, the books anyway).

For you comic book fans: this Saturday is free comic book day—find out more here.

Wondering which children’s books sold best in 2009? Find out here.

In mystery news (stolen off Publishers Marketplace's news page): the WSJ analyzes past Edgar winners.

And Patterson’s Maximum Ride YA series will be a movie.

Teen Culture

For the older ones among us: what would you say to your high school self? Here’s what YA authors had to say.

Why we love librarians: they keep cool heads, even in Florida, when a mom gets a little too enthusiastic about deciding what's inappropriate.

For Writers

Here is a list of the ten best books on writing, courtesy of a GalleyCat reader poll.

Guide to Literary Agents gives us seven reasons why literary agents stop reading your first chapter (hint: don’t talk about the weather).

Final Fun

Some kitty love. Don't my cats look like an old married couple?

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