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Assassin Hound

Rare creatures employed by the powerful and well versed in the occult, assassin hounds are dedicated hunters and killers. They are shaped like a very lithe and bony hound the size of a small horse. Their speed is incomparable they can achieve speeds of 120 miles per hour at their fastest. They have a superb sense of smell and are skilled trackers.

In combat an assassin hound relies on its resistance to weapons and extreme speed. If faced with determined and capable opposition,
it will remain just out of reach, harrying its foes, waiting for them to let their guard down, and alerting its master of the location of his target (most beings with an assassin hound have other resources as well).

Assassin hounds have four major limitations: first, while extremely resistant to wounds, silver destroys their very being -- they take damage from silver as a lycanthrope. Second, a line drawn as a boundary marker stops them. This does not include fences or unmarked boundaries, only drawn lines. Additionally, the line cannot be covered up: placing a towel over it allows the creature to cross the line. Fortunately, they cannot place that mark themselves, which means they have to find a natural break in the line or wait for allies to catch up with it. Of particular inconvenience to Assassin hounds are modern traffic lines on roads. Though they can usually find a place to cross these, they frequently have to go far out of their way. Thirdly, Assassin hounds are tied to specific objects. They must obey the owner of the object, including commands to return to the spirit world. If the object is destroyed the hound becomes weak and sickly. Fourth, A slain assassin hound cannot return at full strength for a year and a day after it is slain. If it is summoned before then, or without the object it is keyed to, it will come in its weakened form.

The weakened form of the creatures has -8 ST and FP, -4 DX,HT,Will,Per, move, and speed, no catfall or clinging,  and enhanced move 1 (rather than 2.5). The animal will seem sluggish. It can still be used as a skilled tracker though.

The object the hound is tied to is usually made of silver -- a cup, platter, picture frame, or particularly large piece of cutlery. When the beast can be summoned healthy, the item is shiny, but when it is sickly, the piece is tarnished and gradually clears as the hound recovers strength. The creature prefers that it be treated well: sent on meaningful hunts regularly, respected as an ancient creature, that it not be used as fodder, and that the silver item is displayed prominently in its master's home, or at least his study. An owner who ignores this can still send the hound out on chases whenever he wants-- but he will not get its other talents and it may refuse to help when sickly.

Most spirits are ancient, but assassin hounds are noteworthy for paying attention, and for receiving detailed information from their masters. They typically know several areas quite well, are experts on history and have hunted down many types of supernatural beings.

ST 25 HP 25 speed: 7.50
DX 14 Will 14 Move: 10
IQ 11 Per 16 SM: 1
HT 16 FP 20 DR: 4 (tough skin)
Dodge: 11 parry: 12

Bite (15) 2d+1 cu

Traits: Enhanced move 2.5 (*6), Injury Tolerance /2 vs blades. Catfall, clinging, resistant to psi+3, magic resistance 3, 10 languages, Discriminating smell,  Vulnerable to Silver,  divine curse(cannot cross lines),Reprogramable, Appearance (-2), Social Stigma (monster), disfigured voice

Skills: Tracking-20,Stealth-14, Running-18,Swimming- 16, Jumping -15, climbing -14, Occultism-12, Area knowledge(several)-14, History (several)-13, Hidden lore (two or three)-12

Notes: An assassin hound is worth about 600 points. This info is provided in case one is selected as an ally.

Weakened Hound
ST 17 HP 17 speed: 3.50
DX 10 Will 10 Move: 6
IQ 11 Per 12 SM: 1
HT 12 FP 12 DR: 4 (tough skin)
Dodge: 11 parry: 12

Bite (11) 1d+1 cu

Traits: Enhanced move 1 (*2), Injury Tolerance /2 vs blades. resistant to psi+3, magic resistance 3, 10 languages, Discriminating smell,  Vulnerable to Silver,  divine curse(cannot cross lines),Reprogramable, Appearance (-2), Social Stigma (monster), disfigured voice

Skills: Tracking-16,Stealth-10, Running-14,Swimming- 12, Jumping -11, climbing -10, Occultism-12, Area knowledge(several)-14, History (several)-13, Hidden lore (two or three)-12

Notes: This creatures is approximately 300 points, for use with allies.

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