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Getting Ready

Today has mainly been about food. 

Over the past few years we've got into the habit/tradition of having cake and party food when we go to see Dan's Mum on Christmas evening. In order to avoid the shops later in the month we picked that up today so it's stashed in the freezer. Dan's Mum usually buys it, but as mentioned she's on a budget, so we're buying the food this year. It's not a lot of money, but it all adds up as we know. 

When we got home we did a bit of cooking for the freezer, partly so I can spend a bit of time away from cooking, partly because I know there will be days where I just won't want to do anything productive, and partly because we had some veg that needed using up. It may be deviating from the menu plan, but chances are we'd be tempted to do that at anyway, I'd rather we deviate and have some thing from the freezer that's a bit healthier and less expensive than feeling the urge to nip out for something. 

We've made a big pan of lentil and veg in tomato sauce, to be made into pasta sauce, shepherdess pie, curry or pie filling. Three lots of chilli and two lots of chestnut stew .The kitchen smells great and is toasty warm, which is a bonus today. So that's nine or ten meals in the freezer, ready to go. Luckily for me Dan does the washing up!

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