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How Intel Plans to Revolutionize CPUs with Foveros 3D

Source: techpp.com - Wednesday, December 12, 2018
A lot of you might be aware of Moore’s Law, which states that the number of transistors on a chipset increases every two years while the footprint of the chipset reduces. And as per the current trend in the industry, the law seems to be true everywhere, with manufacturers striving continuously to fit in more computing power on a smaller chipset. The statement holds true for both, the mobile and computer industry, and we are seeing manufacturers like Apple and Huwaei pushing limits to shrink down the size of the chipset. And now, Intel hops on the bandwagon to shrink the size of its chipsets with its new architecture, Foveros 3D. At the Architectural Day event yesterday, Intel unveiled a new strategy to develop its upcoming processors, using which it will be able to break down different components of a CPU into individual elements, called ‘chiplets’. The process, as Intel calls – Foveros 3D, essentially stacks-up various components on a chipset. By doing so, the chipset can take advantage of extra processing power, memory, graphics, AI computing, etc by stacking individual elements on top of each other vertically, while shrinking down the size and still retaining the same or more computing power. Chiplets are small silicon components that can be stacked up on top of one another: similar to the Lego blocks. By using chiplets, manufacturers would no longer require the need to carve a chipset out of silicon in a single piece. Instea

Source: Breaking News

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