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Mailbox Monday on tour at the moment is being hosted for December at Let Them Read Books. The books that came into my house were both wins - the first was The House of the Wind by Titania Hardie courtesy of Headline Publicity.  The second was Underground from Nat of the blog In Spring it is the Dawn. Thanks to both of them.

The next meme which is combined with Mailbox Monday is It's Monday - What are you Reading? hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

The book I have just finished is The House of the Wind. The book which I have started next is Middlemarch (another win).  Several reviews have been delayed mainly due to pressure of work.

I just returned from an orphanage visit to Mannar. It was my Christmas visit well in advance with presents and clothes and shoes for Christmas. This week is also very full - my visit to the Negombo children's home is scheduled this week and there is an end of the year concert by the little ones also to attend!

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